Facts and Figures provided by Excel Dryer The post-pandemic world has spoken, and the message…
What Do Restrooms Need more than Ever? (III)
The third part of the survey starts with Hygiene Habits: Asked about handwashing habits, 75% of surveyed U.S. consumers reported washing their hands up to 10 times a day. This finding speaks to another clear truth: now more than ever, restrooms need a hygienic, cost-effective hand drying solution to keep up.
Clean Restrooms Are Good Business
The survey results also made it clear that when a visitor encounters what they perceive as a dirty restroom, it has a negative impact on their overall impression of the business. In the U.S., 80% of surveyed consumers reported that they would not or might not return to a restaurant or hotel if the bathroom is dirty. Consumers across surveyed nations agree that a dirty restroom reflects poor management, while architects, restaurant owners and facility managers around the world agree that the cleanliness of a commercial restroom reflects the extent to which a business values its customers and employees.
Evolving Expectations
Since the onset of COVID, architects, restaurant owners and facility managers in the United States say they have witnessed an increase in facilities providing hand dryers, touchless features, smart restroom technology and sufficient space for social distancing. Virtually all consumers and the majority of facility managers and restaurant owners in the U.S. consider a transition to touchless hand drying technology to be of “top-tier importance.”
One factor in this perception is hygiene—the most effective way to prevent the spread of surface-borne pathogens in a public restroom is to minimize touchpoints. U.S. consumers identified three top factors they want to see in electric, touchless hand dryers: hand sanitation, fast drying time and HEPA filtration.
Another factor is overall bathroom cleanliness. According to 95% of managers and owners in the U.S., it is easier to maintain a cleaner restroom with hand dryers versus paper towels. And the majority of U.S. consumers state that touchless, high-speed hand dryers keep restrooms cleaner and are more aesthetically appealing.
You can find the full details of the survey here. Alternatively, look at this YouTube video: