The third part of the survey starts with Hygiene Habits: Asked about handwashing habits, 75%…

Leaked: New EU Circular Economy Action Plan
A leaked report from Euractiv gives early insights in the European Commisson’s intentions to “absolutely decouple” (separate) economic growth from natural resource use. The drafted ‘New Circular Economy Action Plan’ (Euractiv, 31.01.2020) is planned to be officially published in March and to drive European economy towards climate neutrality. A main priority of the document is to cut municipal waste by 50% until 2030.
The paper points out that material mismanagement heavily causes emissions and due to that “circularity is a major driver of climate neutrality” that needs to be incorporated. Waste can be reduced through a more effective reusing, repairing and recycling of existing products and materials.
The handdryer industry can be affected by the new action plan in various ways. A minimization of municipial waste can be successfully accomplished by cutting down the use of throw-away products. Facility management will necessarily focus on waste-less solutions. In public restrooms hand-dryer technology show clear advantages compared to other solutions and may benefit. Further the document suggests “a new right to repair” in in EU consumer law, assuring consumers about the availability of “affordable repair services” and spare parts. Manufacturers should comprise this in the companys internal strategic planning. The Action Plan is at this stage merely a roadmap, but measures will be derived and will impact eHA members directly or indirectly within the next 2 years.
The document states that, in parallel, the Ecodesign Directive will promote the circularity in energy related products, particulary via the 2020-2024 working plan (which has not been published yet).