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The Method Used To Dry Washed Hands Affects The Number And Type Of Transient And Residential Bacteria Remaining On The Skin

Mutters R, Warnes SL, The method used to dry washed hands affects the number and type of transient and residential bacteria remaining on the skin, Journal of Hospital Infection. This was an independent study funded by Dyson Technology Ltd, Malmesbury, UK, but the company was not involved in the design, execution, and analysis of the results.

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Evidence For Hand Dryer

The Distorted Evidences Used By The EU to Evaluate the Use of Hand Dryers

The preliminary study of a EU directive led to some truly alarming conclusions about the role of hand dryers, comparing them negatively with paper towels in terms of hygiene and energy efficiency. The study investigated part of the literature on the effects of electric hand dryers, but excluded any research on the effects of paper towels, thus presenting a clear bias in favor of one of the products they intended to compare.

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New High Efficiency Hand Dryers At Grand Central Terminal in New York City

Round about 750.000 people per day visit the Grand Central Terminal in New York. Consequently a high percentage of them use the restrooms. The importance of sustainability, cleanliness and performance at such well-frequented places led the decision to install hand dryers.

Steve Stroh, the assistant deputy director of electrical/mechanical maintenance at the station, is talking about this project and the advantages of hand dryers.

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