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Average Adherence To WHO Recommendations Slightly Differs Across The EU

A research project conducted by the University of Hamburg (Hamburg Center for Health Economics) throw a light on the question, whether recommendations from WHO e.g. during Covid-19 pandemic were trusted and followed or not. Researchers from across Europe (Germany, Netherlands, Portugal and Italy) asked people during spring and summer 2020 on how they react on official reference.

  • The recommendations about the advised behaviors to reduce the risk of a coronavirus infection have been wellcommunicated in all countries.
  • It was asked about the familiarity with the WHO hygiene recommendations and about personal adherence to WHO guidelines (washing hands frequently, using alcohol-based hand rub, covering nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing, keeping social distance, avoiding handshakes, hugs and kisses, and touching face).
  • Based on the data analysis, people in all countries reacted strongly to the coronavirus caused crisis and changed their behaviours.
  • It is obvious that hand hygiene in general has been an important factor to fight Covid-19.

Source: Hamburg Center for Health Economics (PDF, 4 Pages): Link

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