The third part of the survey starts with Hygiene Habits: Asked about handwashing habits, 75%…
#GlobalHandwashingDay 2020 – “Hand Hygiene for All”
October 15th is Global Handwashing Day: The 2020 theme is “Hand Hygiene for All.” Inequalities in handwashing facilities can put individuals at higher risk for diseases that impact their health, education, and economic outcomes. This year’s theme follows the recent global initiative calling on all of society to scale up hand hygiene, especially through handwashing with soap. As eHA, we also share facts to help the public understand the importance of thorough hand drying as part of the hand washing process – particularly during the pandemic. Correct hand hygiene safe lives. The Corona-Pandemic is still there and currently increases worldwide.
As quoted on the GHWD website: “This year’s theme reminds us that we must work toward universal access and practice of handwashing with soap for now and for a healthy future.” eHA welcomes the Global Handwashing Day, but wants to move the discussion beyond mere handwashing: How you dry your hands after washing them properly is eagerly important for your health.
And please keep the facts: As a study conducted by the University of Arizona recently documented: “There is no data to support any human health claims relative to hand dryers versus paper towel use.”